From Molecules to Networks 2nd Edition 9780123741325
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Ruth Heidelberger, M. Neal Waxham, John H. Byrne, James L. Roberts
Book Name: From Molecules to Networks
Subject Name: Engineering

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An understanding of the nervous system at virtually any level of analysis requires an understanding of its basic building block the neuron.�From Molecules to Networks�provides the solid foundation of the morphologic biochemical and biophysical properties of nerve cells. All chapters have been thoroughly revised for this�second edition�to reflect the significant advances of the past 5 years. The new edition expands on the network aspects of cellular neurobiology by adding a new chapter Information Processing in Neural Networks and on the relation of cell biological processes to various neurological diseases. The new concluding chapter illustrates how the great strides in understanding the biochemical and biophysical properties of nerve cells have led to fundamental insights into important aspects of neurodegenerative disease.� Written and edited by leading experts in the field the second edition completely and comprehensively updates all chapters of this unique textbook� Discusses emerging new understanding of non-classical molecules that affect neuronal signaling� Full colour professional graphics throughout� Includes two new chapters: Information Processing in Neural Networks - describes the principles of operation of neural networks and the key circuit motifs that are common to many networks in the nervous system. Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease - introduces the progress made in the last 20 years in elucidating the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain disorders including Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Parkinson disease and Alzheimer�s disease.Read more


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