Foundations of Speech and Hearing : Anatomy and Physiology with Access 2016 Edition 9781597569590
Product Edition:2016 Edition
Author: Jeannette D. Hoit, Gary Weismer
Book Name: Foundations of Speech and Hearing : Anatomy and Physiology with Access
Subject Name: Business

Foundations of Speech and Hearing : Anatomy and Physiology with Access 2016 Edition Solutions

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Foundations of Speech and Hearing: Anatomy and Physiology is a comprehensive textbook for undergraduate-level anatomy and physiology courses in communication sciences and disorders programs that is neither oversimplified nor excessively detailed. The book is written with clinical endpoints in mind and only those topics that are ultimately important to understanding evaluating and managing clients with speech hearing and swallowing disorders are covered.Drawn from the best selling "Preclinical Speech Science: Anatomy Physiology Acoustics and Perception Second Edition" textbook (Hixon Weismer & Hoit 2014) the authors distilled and simplified the chapters on breathing and speech production laryngeal function and speech production velopharyngeal-nasal function and speech production pharyngeal-oral function and speech production brain structures and mechanisms and swallowing to ensure they are approachable for entry-level students. They also added a new chapter on the anatomy and physiology of the auditory system.Key features include: numerous beautiful full-color illustrationscomplex information presented clearly in a concise easy-to-understand mannerwritten with a practical focus in mindsupplementary resources on a PluralPlus companion website including an image bank study questions and exercises.Read more


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