Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics (with CD-ROM) 5th Edition 9780324568608
Product Edition:5th Edition
Author: Thomas A Williams, Dennis J Sweeney, David R Anderson
Book Name: Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics (with CD-ROM)
Subject Name: Maths

Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics (with CD-ROM) 5th Edition Solutions

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Trust the latest version of this market-leading essentials text to introduce sound statistical methodology in a proven applications setting. ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS 5e includes all of the strengths of the longer best-selling Anderson/Sweeney/Williams STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS with a focus on the most important core topics for a concise presentation that's easy for students to follow. This brief introduction to business statistics offers a wealth of actual business examples proven methods and application exercises that clearly demonstrate how statistical results provide insights into business decisions and present solutions to contemporary business problems. High-quality problems trusted for their unwavering accuracy and the authors' signature problem-scenario approach clearly show how to apply statistical methods in practical business situations. New case problems as well as methods applications and self-test exercises encourage students to master formulas apply materials and evaluate their personal understanding. Optional updated appendices highlight the latest Excel? 2007 and Minitab? 15 popular commercial software giving you the choice of integrating or omitting computer coverage in your course. This edition's concise approach and comprehensive support package now including CengageNOW course management system provides everything you need for an effective statistics course that prepares students for the essentials of statistics success in business today.Read more


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