Essentials of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 1st Edition 9780618192823
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: H Stephen Stoker, Sharon K Stoffels
Book Name: Essentials of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry
Subject Name: Science

Essentials of General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry 1st Edition Solutions

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Essentials is an ideal choice for any one term introductory course in General Organic & Biological Chemistry. Written from a foundation level student's perspective ensures that the discussion of chemical topics starts at ground level and then subsequently progress. Stoker's text is further simplified by ensuring complicated mathematics is minimised and used only when it helps clarify a topic. With early chapters of this brand new text focusing on fundamental chemical principleslater chapters built on the foundation of these principles develop the concepts and applications central to the fields of organic chemistry and biochemistry. Features of this brand new text Include: - Chemical Portraits: This feature profiles chemical elements in the periodic table and explains their importance in students' everyday lives - Chemistry at a Glance sections provide brief visual summaries of core chapter concepts to help students visualise difficult material - "Single Concept" practice questions and problems at the end of each section refer to the section's contents and focus the student's attention on thoroughly learning one concept - Robust technology package offers both students and instructors a multitude of resources to facilitate learning and teaching - Focus on Biochemistry. Most students taking the course find the biochemistry material to be the most applicable to their careers - Review aids appear at the ends of chapters and include Concepts to Remember and Key Terms lists. These features provide a concise review of the material presented in the chapter and help students prepare for examsRead more


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