Essentials of Discrete Mathematics 3rd Edition 9781284056242
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: David J. Hunter
Book Name: Essentials of Discrete Mathematics
Subject Name: Engineering

Essentials of Discrete Mathematics 3rd Edition Solutions

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Available with WebAssign Online Homework and Grading System! Written for the one-term course Essentials of Discrete Mathematics Third Edition is designed to serve computer science and mathematics majors as well as students from a wide range of other disciplines. The mathematical material is organized around five types of thinking: logical relational recursive quantitative and analytical. This presentation results in a coherent outline that steadily builds upon mathematical sophistication. Graphs are introduced early and referred to throughout the text providing a richer context for examples and applications. Algorithms are presented near the end of the text after students have acquired the skills and experience needed to analyze them. The final chapter emphasizes the multidisciplinary approach and contains case studies that integrate the fields of biology sociology linguistics economics and music. New & Key Features: NEW � Student Inquiry Problems found at the beginning of each section are designed to introduce and motivate the material in the section that follows NEW � Incorporates new content on Graph Theory - Coverage of algorithms appropriate for computer science majors as well as students with no previous programming experience - Careful attention to mathematical logic and proof techniques - Instructor resources include an Instructor�s Solutions Manual slides in PowerPoint format and additional Inquiry Problems - Updated and expanded WebAssign Online Homework and Grading System available for students and instructorsRead more


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