Environmental Biology  9780521679824
Product Edition:
Author: Jennifer McComb, Mike Bamford, Alan Lymbery, Mike Calver
Book Name: Environmental Biology
Subject Name: Engineering

Environmental Biology Solutions

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Environmental Biology offers a fresh problem-solving treatment of the topic for students requiring a biology background before further study in environmental science sustainable development or environmental engineering. It begins with an environmental theme that carries through the text using three major case studies with a regional focus. Key foundational knowledge is introduced and developed as the text progresses with students encouraged to integrate their accumulated learning to reach solutions. A comprehensive coverage of scientific method including field experimentation and field techniques is an important part of the approach. While emphasising the environmental theme the book introduces all facets of the biology discipline including cell biology evolution ecology conservation and restoration. There are over 500 line drawings diagrams and photos throughout including full-colour sections and each chapter includes summaries and comprehensive questions. The accompanying online Instructors' Resource includes multiple-choice questions 'Test your knowledge' solutions and video footage.Read more


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