Engineering Dynamics 1st Edition 9780691135373
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: N. Jeremy Kasdin; Derek A. Paley
Book Name: Engineering Dynamics
Subject Name: Engineering

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This textbook introduces undergraduate students to engineering dynamics using an innovative approach that is at once accessible and comprehensive. Combining the strengths of both beginner and advanced dynamics texts this book has students solving dynamics problems from the very start and gradually guides them from the basics to increasingly more challenging topics without ever sacrificing rigor.Engineering Dynamics spans the full range of mechanics problems from one-dimensional particle kinematics to three-dimensional rigid-body dynamics including an introduction to Lagrange's and Kane's methods. It skillfully blends an easy-to-read conversational style with careful attention to the physics and mathematics of engineering dynamics and emphasizes the formal systematic notation students need to solve problems correctly and succeed in more advanced courses. This richly illustrated textbook features numerous real-world examples and problems incorporating a wide range of difficultyample use of MATLAB for solving problemshelpful tutorialssuggestions for further readingand detailed appendixes.Provides an accessible yet rigorous introduction to engineering dynamicsUses an explicit vector-based notation to facilitate understandingProfessors: A supplementary Instructor's Manual is available for this book. It is restricted to teachers using the text in courses. For information on how to obtain a copy refer to:Read more


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