Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications Plus Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (7th Edition) 7th Edition 9780134712871
Product Edition:7th Edition
Author: Allan R. Hambley
Book Name: Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications Plus Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (7th Edition)
Subject Name: Engineering

Electrical Engineering: Principles & Applications Plus Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package (7th Edition) 7th Edition Solutions

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NOTE: Before purchasing check with your instructor to ensure you select the correct ISBN. Several versions of Pearson's MyLab &#38Mastering products exist for each title and registrations are not transferable. To register for and use Pearson's MyLab &#38Mastering products you may also need a Course ID which your instructor will provide.&#160Used books rentals and purchases made outside of PearsonIf purchasing or renting from companies other than Pearson the access codes for Pearson's MyLab &#38Mastering products may not be included may be incorrect or may be previously redeemed. Check with the seller before completing your purchase.&#160For courses in Electrical Engineering.This&#160package includes Mastering Engineering.&#160Accessible and applicable learning in electrical engineering for introductory and non-major coursesThe #1 title in its market Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications helps students learn electrical-engineering fundamentals with minimal frustration. Its goals are to present basic concepts in a general setting to show students how the principles of electrical engineering apply to specific problems in their own fields and to enhance the overall learning process. This book covers circuit analysis digital systems electronics and electromechanics at a level appropriate for either electrical-engineering students in an introductory course or non-majors in a survey course.&#160A wide variety of pedagogical features stimulate student interest and engender awareness of the material&s relevance to their chosen profession. The only essential prerequisites are basic physics and single-variable calculus. The 7th Edition features technology and content updates throughout the text.&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160&#160Personalize learning with Mastering EngineeringMastering&&#160Engineering is an online homework tutorial and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Interactive self-paced tutorials provide individualized coaching to help students stay on track. With a wide range of activities available students can actively learn understand and retain even the most difficult concepts. The text and Mastering Engineering work together to guide students through engineering concepts with a multi-step approach to problems.&#1600134712870 / 9780134712871 Electrical Engineering: Principles &#38Applications Plus Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package 7/ePackage consists of:0134484142/9780134484143 Electrical Engineering: Principles &#38Applications0134486978 / 9780134486970 Mastering Engineering with Pearson eText -- Standalone Access Card -- for Electrical Engineering: Principles &#38ApplicationsRead more


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