For courses in nursing management in programs including baccalaureate degrees in generic and BSN completion and graduate-level nursing programsfor education departments in health care organizationsfor nurses in clinical practice who aspire to leadershipand for nurses already in leadership positions.�More than ever before today�s rapidly changing volatile healthcare environment demands highly developed management skills and superb leadership. Effective Leadership and Management in Nursing will help both practicing and student nurses manage successfully today as well as into the future. This book combines practicality with conceptual understanding tapping expertise of contributors from many relevant disciplines especially healthcare management professionals. Updated to reflect the current state of healthcare the Ninth Edition offers new or expanded coverage of the Affordable Care Actevolving models of healthcarecultural and gender diversityquality managementemotional leadershipsocial mediaharassing bullying and lack of civility in healthcareemergency preparedness for terrorism disasters and mass shootingsand prevention of workplace violence. Two new chapters round out this award-winning text: �Understanding Legal and Ethical Issues� and �Imagining the Future.�Read more
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