Cross-Cultural Social Work 1st Edition 9781420256802
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Ling How Kee, Jennifer Martin, Rosaleen Ow
Book Name: Cross-Cultural Social Work
Subject Name: Social-science

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The world is now a global village yet cultural diversity is at the forefront of social work practice within and across countries. Professional social workers in different countries increasingly have to relate to a multicultural society and to develop culturally relevant and appropriate practices with individuals and families groups and communities. In addition social workers have to work across different national boundaries or with issues which emanate from forces both within and beyond the countries they are from. Social work education therefore has to be able to prepare graduates to work in varying cultural and socio-economic contexts. In two parts Cross-Cultural Social Work: Local and global addresses contemporary issues that are at the forefront of community care and development. Part 1 discusses theories and perspectives for culturally appropriate practice education and research whilst part 2 contains approaches to working with culturally diverse groups and practice areas. Issues addressed in these parts include: Part 1 Culture in social work cultural competence whiteness in social work biculturalism working with diversity and culturally based methods of inquiry. Part 2 Marginalised indigenous communities social and economic barriers new and emerging communities end-of-life issues international adoption and culturally diverse aged care. Combining theoretical discussions and practical knowledge building materials Cross-Cultural Social Work facilitates the development of cultural competence among social work students educators practitioners and researchers. The book engages readers to critically reflect on cultural underpinnings of dominant social work theories and methods and to challenge the way we think about culture and cross-cultural practice. Key Features � A collection of works from contributors from different practice settings and different countries which facilitates the development of 'cultural competence' among social work students and educators practitioners and researchers � Reflects the stipulations of professional accreditation bodies such as the Australian Association of Social Workers to include cross-cultural practice as well as standards of practice with minority communities in curriculum content � Combines theoretical discussions and practical knowledge building materials to aid in understanding theories in practice and prepare graduates to work in varying cultural and socio-economic contexts.Read more


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