Civil Drafting Technology (8th Edition) (What's New in Trades & Technology) 8th Edition 9780134436043
Product Edition:8th Edition
Author: David P. Madsen, David A. Madsen Emeritus, Terence M. Shumaker
Book Name: Civil Drafting Technology (8th Edition) (What's New in Trades & Technology)
Subject Name: Maths

Civil Drafting Technology (8th Edition) (What's New in Trades & Technology) 8th Edition Solutions

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Everything students need to learn about civil drafting in a single volume.This text provides complete coverage of the design and drafting principles and practice used in the civil drafting field and a working knowledge of the basic topics of mapping�in a workbook format.Created with input from civil engineering industry professionals and educators and content-tested in the classroom Civil Drafting Technology is a unique comprehensive guide to civil drafting in a clear workbook approach. Designed with the goal of providing a foundation of work done by civil engineering companies (associated drawings skills and terminology) and a broad education in the civil drafting field the book acquaints students with the civil drafting discipline mapping computer-aided design and drafting (CADD) surveying locations distances angles directions contour lines site plans horizontal alignments profiles earthwork detail drawings and geographic information system (GIS). Most of the drawings and maps are generated by specialized CADD software and a variety of data collected using electronic surveying techniques. The book�s 14 chapters each deal with a specific subject area and provide realistic examples illustrations review questions and problems. The new edition is substantially revised with a number of updates and improvements.Read more


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