Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter 7e Binder Ready Version+ WileyPLUS Registration Card (Wiley Plus Products) 7th Edition 9781118865552
Product Edition:7th Edition
Author: Neil D. Jespersen, James E. Brady, Alison Hyslop
Book Name: Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter 7e Binder Ready Version+ WileyPLUS Registration Card (Wiley Plus Products)
Subject Name: Science

Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter 7e Binder Ready Version+ WileyPLUS Registration Card (Wiley Plus Products) 7th Edition Solutions

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This package includes a three-hole punched loose-leaf edition of ISBN 9781118413920 and a registration code for the WileyPLUS course associated with the text. Before you purchase check with your instructor or review your course syllabus to ensure that your instructor requires WileyPLUS.�For customer technical support please visit WileyPLUS registration cards are only included with new products. Used and rental products may not include WileyPLUS registration cards.Jespersen�s Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter 7th Edition Binder Ready Version provides readers with the necessary practice support instruction and assessment that is required for learning and teaching the content of a General Chemistry course. This text provides the forum for problem solving and concept mastery of chemical phenomena that leads to proficiency and success.� The Seventh Edition includes revisions to key content coverage areas and concepts and the addition of more Analyzing & Solving Multi-Concept problems and examples throughout the text. An increased emphasis has also been placed on the intimate relationship that exists between structure at the submicroscopic molecular level and the observable macroscopic properties of matter. Jespersen provides readers with a clear concise and easy to understand General Chemistry resource.Read more


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