Biology 3rd Edition 9781133592068
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: Peter J Russell, Paul E Hertz, Beverly McMillan
Book Name: Biology
Subject Name: Science

Biology 3rd Edition Solutions

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Help students think and engage like scientists! BIOLOGY: THE DYNAMIC SCIENCE Third Edition allows students to develop a deep understanding of the core concepts in Biology and builds a strong foundation for future courses. The authors explain complex ideas clearly and describe how biologists collect and interpret evidence to test hypotheses about the living world. Russell Hertz and McMillan spark students' curiosity about living systems instead of burying it under a mountain of disconnected facts. They engage students with what scientists know about the living world how they know it and what they still need to learn. By conveying the authors' passions for biological research the text helps students cultivate the mental habits of scientists. The accompanying Aplia for Biology complements the book by enabling students to go beyond rote memorization and gain a true understanding of key concepts. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections more


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