Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher  9780415604345
Product Edition:
Author: Donaldson, Gina Field, Jenny Harries, Dave Tope, Clare Taylor, Helen
Book Name: Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher
Subject Name: Maths

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What is the role of the mathematics specialist?What is deep subject knowledge in mathematics?What sort of pedagogical knowledge does a mathematics specialist need?How can you best support your colleagues to improve mathematics teaching and learning?Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher helps you explore the role of the specialist in promoting positive attitudes towards mathematics and developing the teaching and learning of mathematics in your primary school.Illustrated throughout with classroom-based examples and referenced to relevant research it is designed to support your development as a reflective practitioner who can confidently review and develop practice in your own classroom as well as challenge and move the whole school forward through collaborative professional development. Essential topics explored include:The nature of the role of the primary mathematics specialistUnderstanding how attitudes to mathematics evolve and why it is crucial to challenge and change negativityWhat we mean by deep subject knowledge in primary mathematicsPedagogical knowledge of how mathematics is taught and learnedThe skills of coaching and mentoring to support teachers and teaching assistantsUnpicking the principles of progression for high quality teaching in all years groupsThe key features of deep subject knowledge and pedagogy in three areas of the curriculum: multiplication time and data handling.Becoming a Primary Mathematics Specialist Teacher is an essential source of guidance and ideas for all primary school teachers aiming to achieve Mathematics Specialist status or already taking this role those studying primary mathematics as a specialism and at masters level and for all primary mathematics co-ordinators.Read more


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