Basic Hazardous Waste Management,Third Edition 3rd Edition 9781566705332
Product Edition:3rd Edition
Author: William C. Blackman Jr.
Book Name: Basic Hazardous Waste Management,Third Edition
Subject Name: Engineering

Basic Hazardous Waste Management,Third Edition 3rd Edition Solutions

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This third edition updates and expands the material presented in the best-selling first and second editions of Basic Hazardous Waste Management. It covers health and safety issues affecting hazardous waste workers management and regulation of radioactive and biomedical/infectious wastes as well as current trends in technologies. While the topics have been completely revised the author employs the same practical approach that made the previous editions so popular. Chapters are structured to first outline the issue subject or technology then to describe generic practice and then to conclude with a summary of the statutory or regulatory approach.Blackman introduces fundamental issues such as human health hazardsthe environmental impacts of toxic reactive and ignitable materialsthe mobility pathways and fates of released hazardous materialsand the roles of science technology and risk assessment in the standards-setting process. He explores hazardous waste site remediation technology and the application of federal statutes regulations programs and policies to the cleanup of contaminated sites.This text provides an introductory framework-which can serve as the foundation for a program of study in traditional as well as modern hazardous waste management-or a component of a related program. Its overview format provides numerous references to more detailed materials to assist the student or instructor in expansion on specific topics.Read more


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