An indispensable resource for all those who design build manageand operate electronic navigation systemsAvionics Navigation Systems Second Edition is a complete guide tothe art and science of modern electronic navigation focusing onaircraft. It covers electronic navigation systems in civil andmilitary aircraft helicopters unmanned aerial vehicles andmanned spacecraft. It has been thoroughly updated and expanded toinclude all of the major advances that have occurred since thepublication of the classic first edition. It covers the entirefield from basic navigation principles equations andstate-of-the-art hardware to emerging technologies. Each chapter isdevoted to a different system or technology and provides detailedinformation about its functions design characteristics equipmentconfigurations performance limitations and directions for thefuture. You'll find everything you need to know about:* Traditional ground-based radio navigation* Satellite systems: GPS GLONASS and their augmentations* New inertial systems including optical rate sensorsmicromechanical accelerometers and high-accuracy stellar-inertialnavigators Instrument Landing System and its successors* Integrated communication-navigation systems used onbattlefields* Airborne mapping Doppler and multimode radars* Terrain matching* Special needs of military aircraft* And much moreRead more
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