Australia's Rural, Remote and Indigenous Health 3rd Revised edition 9780729542418
Product Edition:3rd Revised edition
Author: Janie Dade Smith
Book Name: Australia's Rural, Remote and Indigenous Health
Subject Name: Science

Australia's Rural, Remote and Indigenous Health 3rd Revised edition Solutions

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Australia�s Rural Remote and Indigenous Health 3e is a practical guide to the delivery of health care in rural and remote Australia. Drawing on personal experiences of rural practitioners historical accounts literature analysis and epidemiology itdiscusses the economic social and political forces that shape healthcare in rural and remote Australia.With limited current resources to support studies in rural and remote healthcare this title bridges the gap offering valuable insight into Indigenous life and social determinants of healthand it is the perfect guide for those going onto rural placements.Only text covering both rural and remote health in AustraliaPlacement preparation with StudentConsult video interviews of experienced rural and remote�practitioners providing first-hand experience of rural and remote practicePause and Think questions provide a framework to apply learned knowledge to practicePause and think question boxes train the reader to critically assess and apply concepts to practical situations.New Chapter: Working with Indigenous Australians � Written by Shannon Springer describes how to consult with Indigenous patients and draws on his experience in clinical practice. It offers consultation signposts and practical principles for working with Indigenous Australians.New Chapter: Remote health practice � Written by Sue Lenthall this chapter examines the differences and commonalities between the remote communities and then applies this information to a case study on 'a day in the life of a remote area nurse'. It presents a remote client consultation model and a StudentConsult audio consultation between a nurse and a distant doctor as well as tips for working in remote practice. The audio consultation gives a first-hand account of the experience of a remote area nurse managing an emergency case.Video and audio content � video interviews of experienced rural remote and Indigenous health practitioners as well as students. The videos contain first-hand experience of rural and remote�practice as well as tips to help prepare those new to rural or remote practice.Read more


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