Armour 1st Edition 9781482238297
Product Edition:1st Edition
Author: Paul J. Hazell
Book Name: Armour
Subject Name: Engineering

Armour 1st Edition Solutions

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Highlights Recent Advances in Materials/Armour TechnologyAs long as conflict exists in the world protection technologies will always be in demand. Armour: Materials Theory and Design describes the existing and emerging protection technologies that are currently driving the latest advances in armour systems. This book explains the theory applications and material science aspects of modern armour design as they are used in relation to vehicles ships personnel and buildings and explores the science and technology used to provide protection against blasts and ballistic attacks. It covers materials technologies used in protectionaddresses the system effects of adding blast-wave shaping to vehicles as well as the effect on the human bodyand outlines ballistic testing techniques.Takes a Look at How Armour WorksThe book discusses ceramics for armour applicationstransparent armourand metals for armour applications (including aluminium alloys magnesium alloys titanium alloys and steels)as well as composite armour systemsexplosive reactive armour systems with reference to defensive aid suites for vehiclesand wound ballistics. In addition the author lists more than 100 references for advanced study and further reading.Armour: Materials Theory and Design introduces a variety of armour technologies outlines modern threats and dangers applicable to protection technology and aids readers in implementing protective structures that can be used in battle conflict military zones and other related environments.Read more


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