Antennas: From Theory to Practice 1st Edition, 9780470510285
Product Edition:1st Edition,
Author: Yi Huang
Book Name: Antennas: From Theory to Practice
Subject Name: Engineering

Antennas: From Theory to Practice 1st Edition, Solutions

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Practical concise and complete reference for the basics of modern antenna designAntennas: from Theory to Practice discusses the basics of modern antenna design and theory. Developed specifically for engineers and designers who work with radio communications radar and RF engineering this book offers practical and hands-on treatment of antenna theory and techniques and provides its readers the skills to analyse design and measure various antennas.Key features:Provides thorough coverage on the basics of transmission lines radio waves and propagation and antenna analysis and designDiscusses industrial standard design software tools and antenna measurement equipment facilities and techniquesCovers electrically small antennas mobile antennas UWB antennas and new materials for antennasAlso discusses reconfigurable antennas RFID antennas Wide-band and multi-band antennas radar antennas and MIMO antennasDesign examples of various antennas are providedWritten in a practical and concise manner by authors who are experts in antenna design with experience from both academia and industryThis book will be an invaluable resource for engineers and designers working in RF engineering radar and radio communications seeking a comprehensive and practical introduction to the basics of antenna design. The book can also be used as a textbook for advanced students entering a profession in this field.Read more


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