Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Simon Haykin
Book Name: An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications
Subject Name: Engineering

An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communications 2nd Edition Solutions

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Simon Haykin has written two books with Wiley for Communications Systems, Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2e and the forthcoming revision of his classic Communications Systems, 5e. The second edition of Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2e is written at an accessible level and serves as an introductory treatment of communication theory, both ana-log and digital communications. Given the highly mathematical nature of communication theory, it is rather easy for the reader to lose sight of the practical side of communication systems. Throughout the book, the authors have made a special effort to move through the mathe-matical treatment at an easy-to-grasp level, and also to point out the practical relevance of the theory wherever it is appropri-ate to do so. Drs. Haykin’s other text, Communication Systems reaches out to a higher level of math rigor. Also, Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2e offers the probability coverage later in the book (chapter 8) since probability theory is not critical to the understanding of modulation. This also contributes to the accessible approach of the text. Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2e is self-contained and suited for a one or two-semester course in communica-tion systems taken by Electrical Engineering juniors or seniors. The book offers flexibility for organizing the course material to suit the interests of course professors and students. Reviewer Quotes: My current textbook by Proakis/Salehi: Communication Systems Engineering, 2e did not meet my student’s capabilities and expecta-tions. The textbook is too complicated and overloaded with heavy mathematical equations. The material is not always logically presented. Not to mention, there is 800 pages of text. I was impressed with Haykin/Moher’s: Introduction to Digital and Analog Communications, 2e and the straightforward comprehensive material coverage of the basic principles of communication theory. Also, the text is logically written with easy to follow and understand mathematical equations and examples. Absolutely, I would like to use this textbook for my communications systems class as soon as it will be possible.” Andrei Pet-rov- Idaho State University “ Overall, I found the concepts are clearly explained, the chapters are well motivated by their introductions, “Lessons to be learned” at the beginning of each chapter are particularly appealing, and concluded with well put summaries. A very well-written introductory text to grasp the basics of communication systems.” Aylin Yener-Penn State University


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