Advanced Energy Systems (Energy Technology Series) 2nd Edition 9781439886588
Product Edition:2nd Edition
Author: Nikolai V. Khartchenko
Book Name: Advanced Energy Systems (Energy Technology Series)
Subject Name: Engineering

Advanced Energy Systems (Energy Technology Series) 2nd Edition Solutions

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This second edition to a popular first provides a comprehensive fully updated treatment of advanced conventional power generation and cogeneration plants as well as alternative energy technologies. Organized into two parts: Conventional Power Generation Technology and Renewable and Emerging Clean Energy Systems the book covers the fundamentals analysis design and practical aspects of advanced energy systems thus supplying a strong theoretical background for highly efficient energy conversion.New and enhanced topics include:Large-scale solar thermal electric and photovoltaic (PV) plantsAdvanced supercritical and ultra-supercritical steam power generation technologiesAdvanced coal- and gas-fired power plants (PP) with high conversion efficiency and low environmental impactHybrid/integrated (i.e. fossil fuel + REN) power generation technologies such as integrated solar combined-cycle (ISCC)Clean energy technologies including "clean coal" H2 and fuel cell plus integrated power and cogeneration plants (i.e. conventional PP + fuel cell stacks)Emerging trends including magnetohydrodynamic (MHD)-generator and controlled thermonuclear fusion reactor technologies with low/zero CO2 emissionsLarge capacity offshore and on-land wind farms as well as other renewable (REN) power generation technologies using hydro geothermal ocean and bio energy systemsContaining over 50 solved examples plus problem sets full figures appendices references and property data this practical guide to modern energy technologies serves energy engineering students and professionals alike in design calculations of energy systems.Read more


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